Spaghetti against the Wall

Welp. Not a good day for baking, maybe make a sponge tomorrow.Although something chocolate is not out of the question. Suggestions or requests, let me know. Preferably on the blog, not through e-mail. So to sum up…post any baking requests on the blog. My only stipulation is that it can’t take more than one day to bake. This is crucial….I need to be able to eat it before I go to bed.

Although I now have two starters! I have the one I started a week ago and my freind gave me an Amish bread starter. Kind of excited to give it a try. Bread, bread and more bread…and some chocolate.

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Better late than never!

I know it’s a few days past Saturday, but I’ve been busy celebrating my success. Bread, success. Stuffed Tomatoes (with the homemade ricotta), success. Even the Asparagus Soup was a success. I decided to share these delish dishes with some friends over some wine. I was honest about my apprehension of the soup, but the loved it. Some had seconds! One even had thirds! And the tomatoes were beautiful and so flavorful. The fresh ricotta took it from good to extraordinary. Luckily I had the good sense to add more than the recipe called for. It was a good thing. And the bread, though not as pretty or quite as airy as I would personally like, was a huge huge hit. It did taste good, but I think I’m getting to be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my bread. (If only I was that meticulous about shaping it pretty) I absolutely love sharing my food. I just want to make a perfect presentation and say, “tada!” If I could find a way to put it on the refrigerator, I would. If you haven’t noticed, I’m a sucker for flattery.

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At least the pizza was good.

One could argue I had a very successful day. I made ricotta cheese, two pizzas and French baguettes And my starter is looking fantastic. AND I found a few jobs that not only am I qualified for, but I’m actually excited about.  I started one of the cover letters, but due to the dough schedules, I will be finishing it tomorrow.

My day started with a meeting at 10am with the group that I am freelancing for. Only, the other guy didn’t show up. He forgot to put it on his calendar. Weeks and weeks have gone by and I have no clearer idea of what they are looking for than when we originally met a month ago. This is a problem because many organizations evaluate proposals in June or July. Yes some do it in the Fall/December or year round, but if we have a deadline, I’d like to go for it. I would just start writing grants, but to be honest, I do not understand their capacity. I don’t think they understand their capacity. The organization wants to help individuals have a fuller and healthier life – mind, body and soul. Which I think is fantastic. I drank the Yoga Kool-Aid, I get it. The organization wants to work with businesses and their employees. They want to work with individuals. They want to work in under served neighborhoods. They want to do research. They want to help everyone and work with everyone. This group doesn’t have any full time employees. They do not have the capacity to do all this, let alone all at once! I know we won’t get every grant so they won’t be trying to do it all at once, but I can’t write a grant when the nonprofit is focusly challenged. But it doesn’t matter. The meeting was rescheduled. I’ll keep you posted.

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